Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (2024)

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Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (1)

Allergies making you miserable? Find relief and healing with this easy, homemade allergy relief herbal tea with honey and ginger and get my 5 tips for minimizing the effects of allergies.

Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (2)

PLEASE NOTE that I’m not a doctor, and have no medical training. This post is entirely based on my own personal research and opinions.

Contents hide

1 Allergic to life.

2 #1 – Cut back on the grains.

3 #2 – Stay hydrated.

4 #3 – Stay faaaar away from sugar.

5 #4 – Salt water.

6 #5 – Allergy Relief Herbal Tea

7 Bonus tip!

8 In the end…

Allergic to life.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been one of those people who was allergic to practically everything. Dust, tress, cats, weeds, flowers, flours, coffee, strawberries, dogs, hay, lettuce… You name it, I feel like I’ve probably reacted to it in some way at some point in time.

Due to the sad state of my immune system, croup, eczema, chronic sinus infections, bronchitis, asthma, and headaches have plagued the majority of my life. I’m not trying to whine or complain, I’m just stating the facts. And they’re not fun facts.

For all of you who suffer through allergies, be they seasonal or not, I thought I’d share my yummy (at least my family likes it) honey ginger allergy relief tea, plus a few of the things that help me get through the rough patches and keep my allergic reactions at a minimum.

#1 – Cut back on the grains.

Sadly, I don’t just mean gluten containing grains. Even gluten-free grains like rice, corn, and oats are hard on your digestive system, and therefore also on your immune system. Even though I love my muffins and bread, I can definitely tell a difference in the strength of my immune system when I cut out grains. Not only to I not get sick as often, my seasonal allergies are remarkably easier.

If you have any sort of allergies at all, I strongly suggest you check out the GAPS Diet. It’s a strict, gut-healing diet, and seriously has been a godsend for me and my family.

About two years ago, my family of 6 (at the time) did the GAPS and found immense healing. Even though we were only able to stay on GAPS for about 6 months, I was able to take my list of around 30 allergies down to about 10, and keep it generally in that area.

If you are in the same boat as me and can’t really afford to eat only meat and veggies like the GAPS Diet requires (I wish I could!), cutting back on as much grain as possible will definitely still help.

Need help eating grain-free? Here are some of my family’s favorite meals:

  • Summer Squash Zoodles with Chicken Sausage Alfredo
  • White Chicken Chili in the Instant Pot or Slow Cooker
  • Meatloaf Sliders
  • Stuffed Italian Meatballs

Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (3)

#2 – Stay hydrated.

And I don’t mean drink another cup of coffee. Actually, when you’re wrestling with allergies, caffeinated drinks should not be on your list of helpful things to consume. Neither should alcohol, since it’s also considered to have diuretic affects. This basically means that it causes your body to lose water, or the ability to retain the water you drink, therefore causing dehydration.

There’s no doubt about it, water is vital to life. And not only do we need it to stay alive, we need it to stay alive well. Water flushes out toxins in our bodies, and helps to thin out mucus from overactive sinuses, making it easier to expel it all, and relieving congestion.

Of course, this allergy relief tea should be on your list of hydrating drinks, as well…


#3 – Stay faaaar away from sugar.

“You’re a monster, Mr. Grinch
Your heart’s an empty hole
Your brain is full of spiders
You’ve got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch
I wouldn’t touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole”

In this excerpt from How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Dr. Seuss could’ve been describing how I feel about sugar. Except for the garlic part, ‘cause garlic’s amazing, y’all. But honest and true, everyone and their mom needs to stay as far away from sugar as possible, since any amount of sugar will lower your immune system. And if you have allergies, you need your immune system as strong as possible. Not that you don’t need a strong immune system otherwise… You know what I mean.

That being said, I don’t mean stay away from sweeteners. Dates, raisins, apples, bananas, stevia, local honey… these are all fine for you. In fact, honey isa good thing to add in to that hot cup of herbal tea you’re gonna brew at the end of this post. It’s full of vitamins and minerals,haslarge amounts of good-for-youbacteria and is anti-fungal, and probiotic.

If you’re looking for a good bunch of treats that are free of refined sugar, here are a few of my favorites…

  • Paleo Salted Walnut Butter Blondies
  • Molasses-Free Gingerbread Cut Out Cookies
  • No-Churn Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream
  • Perfect Paleo Chocolate Cake

#4 – Salt water.

Salt water is really amazing. Some people swear by drinking it (solewater, anyone?). My husband is sure the using it in a Neti Pot helps him during allergy season. I can’t get a Neti Pot to work (I’m weird, ’cause it shouldn’t be that complicated), so I opt for gargling and rinsing with warm salt water.

No matter how you get the salt water into your system, it will benefit you. Salt naturallyincreases circulation, eases sore throats, and reduces inflammation, whileits minerals help your body naturally detox.Just make sure the salt you’re using is not regular ol’ table salt! I repeat DO NOT USE TABLE SALT. It’s pretty much devoid of everything useful, even if it has iodine added. Make sure the salt your using has a little color. Grey or pink salts, such as Himalayan salt and realsea salt, contain magnesium, calcium, potassium and over60 other trace minerals. Quite the boost for your immune system.

Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (4)

#5 – Allergy Relief Herbal Tea

Ginger – Withanti-inflammatory benefits thatrival those of NSAIDs, ginger not onlyhelps to lower the risk of infections,it also helps break down toxins buildup in your organs. Ginger root isalso known to cleanse the lymphatic system, which is basically our body’s sewage system.

If your allergies are causing an overproduction ofphlegm, ginger will help break it up, easing your congestion while giving your immune system a boost.

Lemon – All citrus arehigh invitamin C, which helps boost your immune systemand fills your body with antioxidants.Lemon especially helps to loosen mucus so that your body can easily eliminate it.

Apple cider vinegar – If you’re even a little crunchy, you probably know that apple cider vinegar has a million + 1 uses. But did you know that it helps to break up and reduce mucous in your body, keepingyour sinuses clear? Its antibacterial propertiesare also useful for sore throats and keeping infections away. (Here’s the apple cider vinegar I like.)

Honey – Full of vitamins and minerals (niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid,riboflavin,vitamin C & B6, calcium, and iron, to name just a few),honey is also full of friendly bacteria, making itanti-fungal, and probiotic. To get the most benefits from your honey, make sure that it’s local and raw, if possible.

Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (5)

In the recipe card I’ve linked to some of the products from my affiliate partners that I like to use. Purchasing through these links won’t cost you anything extra. Thanks! ;)

Allergy Relief Herbal Tea

Free from grain, gluten, eggs, dairy, and refined sugar.



  • 2 1-inch chunks of fresh ginger (peeling optional)
  • 2 slices of fresh lemon
  • 1 tablespoon organic, raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1-2 tablespoons raw local honey
  • 1 quart filtered water


In a medium-sized saucepan, bring water to boil.

Add ginger root, cover, and simmer for 10 minutes.

Turn off heat, then add in remaining ingredients.

Let steep for 5-10 minutes.

Drink warm or cold.

Raias Recipes - https://raiasrecipes.com

Bonus tip!

Keep a cleanhouse.

I’ve gotta admit, this one is hard for me, but it definitely deserves an honorable mention here.Living with 8 people in one little housemeans that I have a hard time keeping the stuff out, and keeping the stuff that’s here clean and tidy. But I know how important it is for my allergies (and sanity) to be dust and clutter-free.Dust is one of the most common allergens out there. If you struggle with it like I do, then a clean, minimalistic house is going tobe your best friend. The less you have, the less there is to trap dust and other allergens. Also, the less you have, the less there is to clean, which is always a plus.

I’ve also learned from experiencethat carpet is bad for allergies. It traps dust and other allergens and – no matter how much you vacuum – it is hard to keep clean. (Vacuums also have this bad habit of stirring up the dust anyway.) If you have the ability to go carpet-free, do it – for your health.

In the end…

All allergies begin in your gut. If your gut isn’t happy, you won’t be either. If you’ve never taken steps to heal your gut , you should start there (here are5 steps you can take now!). Adding in fermented foods that are full of probiotics (like sauerkraut or yogurt) and homemade bone broth to your diet are easy ways to help get your gut on the right track. And don’t forget to check out the GAPS Diet... It might just change your life.

Already got yourself a cold or sinus infection? You should still be drinking this allergy relief herbal tea, but also check out these helpful recipes…

  • Herbal Immune-Boosting Sore Throat Tea
  • Easy Immune-Support Tincture


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  1. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (10)

    Amy on January 17, 2017 at 9:50 am

    All of these tips are SO super helpful. I deal with seasonal allergies in the spring and I am definitely making note of some of these that I haven’t paid attention to in the past. And I totally believe in local honey as being helpful to combatting allergies.


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (11)

      Raia on January 17, 2017 at 11:33 am

      Thank you, AmyI hope they really do help you as much as they help me. :)


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (13)

      Raia on January 17, 2017 at 11:35 am

      It is amazing the difference not eating so much grain makes. And yes, this tea is good for a great many things. ;)


  2. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (14)

    Tara | Deliciously Declassified on January 17, 2017 at 10:00 am

    This tea sounds like a game-changer! I’ve heard about all the benefits of drinking fresh ginger -especially during this time of year. But I’ve never tried it! Thanks for sharing this recipe :)


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (15)

      Raia on January 17, 2017 at 11:36 am

      Glad to share, Tara! You should definitely give the tea a try. Even if you don’t suffer from allergies, it’s a good immune-booster!


  3. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (16)

    Jenn on January 17, 2017 at 10:23 am

    I basically drink this every morning – minus the honey and garlic. All of a sudden last year, I started getting allergies to a ton of stuff too. I’m 40 and have never had allergy problems before. Ugh! It sucks! Not sure what the deal is now, but I feel like my morning and nighttime routine have tripled due to these crazy allergies. Thank goodness for this healthy “tea”!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (17)

      Raia on January 17, 2017 at 11:44 am

      So sorry to hear that, Jenn! Allergies can seemingly come from out of nowhere, and it’s so frustrating. :( I hope you find this tea and these tips helpful!


  4. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (18)

    platter talk on January 17, 2017 at 10:49 am

    I wish that I would have had this recipe a couple of weeks ago, but I have it now and will keep it for later! I had terrible allergies between the holidays! Thanks.


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (19)

      Raia on January 17, 2017 at 11:54 am

      Oh, sorry! I hope you find it helpful in the future! (Though of course it’s best to not need it! Haha.)


  5. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (20)

    Carol on January 17, 2017 at 3:46 pm

    Thank-you for sharing your experience. I agree–the GAPS diet is very helpful. Yes, sugar has a negative impact on the immune system. I am sharing your post on Facebook.


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (21)

      Raia on January 17, 2017 at 4:22 pm

      Thank you so much, Carol! I’m glad to share in the hopes that it helps others. ;)


  6. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (22)

    bnp21.Com on January 18, 2017 at 2:10 pm

    Heya! I’m at work browsing your blog from my new
    iphone 3gs! Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look forward
    to all your posts! Keep up the excellent work!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (23)

      Raia on January 19, 2017 at 10:07 am

      Glad you’re enjoying the posts!


  7. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (24)

    Gluten Free With Emily on January 18, 2017 at 8:30 pm

    I love so many of the tips you shared. I also have to reduce sugar down to barely nothing (for me this includes fruit!) to keep my allergies at bay plus I also avoid caffeine and alcohol. I love to make ginger tea at home too!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (25)

      Raia on January 18, 2017 at 9:48 pm

      Aw, sorry you can’t do fruit either! It’s amazing how much sugar affects your immune system, eh?


  8. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (26)

    Amanda J Kanashiro on January 19, 2017 at 8:59 am

    I have the hardest time keeeping things clean and I know it messes with my allergies…one small one bedroom apartment plus a toddler does not help!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (27)

      Raia on January 19, 2017 at 10:08 am

      I totally understand! Kids = too much stuff. Haha. It’s a constant struggle.


  9. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (30)

    EA The Spicy RD on January 19, 2017 at 3:30 pm

    Sorry to hear about all your allergies! I have some, but not all year-round. Drinking water really does help, and I love your tea recipe! I love ginger and lemon in my blended kale juice (with just a little apple for a hint of sweetness). Thanks for sharing all your tips!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (31)

      Raia on January 20, 2017 at 8:50 am

      Glad to share! Glad to hear you don’t struggle with year-round allergies, too. ;)


  10. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (32)

    Pamela on January 20, 2017 at 9:24 am

    What an informative post on self-care. We all struggle with allergies so I’m eager to try the herbal tea. I will be looking into the GAPS diet — first I heard of it.


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (33)

      Raia on January 20, 2017 at 9:30 am

      I hope you find some relief, Pamela! The GAPS diet is amazing, but it is very hard.


  11. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (34)

    Anna@GreenTalk on January 24, 2017 at 11:21 am

    I never really thought of ginger tea for allergies but it makes sense. Love your tips.


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (35)

      Raia on January 24, 2017 at 11:44 am

      Thanks, Anna! It’s great to have such an easy option available.


  12. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (36)

    Megan Stevens on January 24, 2017 at 12:21 pm

    This tea is BEAUTIFUL! I love all your tips, and am seeing how sole goes for me right now, just started yesterday!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (37)

      Raia on January 24, 2017 at 3:49 pm

      Thanks so much, Megan! I hope sole helps you. :)


  13. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (38)

    Kelsey on January 24, 2017 at 3:22 pm

    It’s still a little early for allergies here in the north, everything is still super frozen! But, we find being proactive with allergies, and being proactive is our best defense! These remedies will definitely be helpful in the months to come as everything starts to thaw! Thanks!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (39)

      Raia on January 24, 2017 at 3:50 pm

      You’re so welcome, Kelsey! That’s definitely one of the downsides of living in the south. It’s never cold enough to kill off all the allergens. :(


  14. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (40)

    Sylvie on January 24, 2017 at 11:16 pm

    All my favorites, I make something similar to sip on when I’m feeling sick!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (41)

      Raia on January 25, 2017 at 3:03 pm

      They are amazing ingredients, aren’t they?


  15. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (42)

    Emily @ Recipes to Nourish on January 25, 2017 at 1:32 am

    These are really wonderful tips! #3 is so important and really helps a lot. Love the tea recipe too.


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (43)

      Raia on January 25, 2017 at 3:01 pm

      Thanks so much, Emily! Yes, #3 is what really does me in. :p


  16. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (44)

    Marjorie on January 25, 2017 at 8:20 pm

    Great info! I’ll be making this for my husband!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (45)

      Raia on January 25, 2017 at 10:25 pm

      Thanks, Marjorie! I hope it helps!


  17. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (46)

    Aika on June 23, 2019 at 3:10 am

    I can feel you! I am allergic to dust so whenever I’m cleaning the house, I have to wear a facemask because if I don’t, I’ll have colds and cough, leading to asthma the next day.


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (47)

      Raia on June 24, 2019 at 2:52 pm

      YES! I’m exactly the same way. It’s awful. ?


  18. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (48)

    Julia on August 13, 2019 at 9:47 am

    My husband is also allergic to almost everything so found this post really helpful! Thanks!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (49)

      Raia on August 13, 2019 at 11:01 am

      You’re so welcome, Julia! Life with allergies is awful, I hope he can utilize some of these tips!


  19. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (50)

    Toni on August 13, 2019 at 10:28 am

    This is really helpful! Thank you so much for the tips!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (51)

      Raia on August 13, 2019 at 11:01 am

      You’re welcome, Toni!


  20. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (52)

    Alison on August 13, 2019 at 11:10 am

    It’s that time of year when allergies are here. Thank you for the tips and awesome tea recipe. It really helps with allergies and tastes great too!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (53)

      Raia on August 13, 2019 at 11:19 am

      I’m so glad it helps you, Alison!


  21. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (54)

    Courtney on August 13, 2019 at 11:42 am

    These are great tips to help alleviate allergies and also promote gut health. Thanks for sharing!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (55)

      Raia on August 13, 2019 at 1:28 pm

      You’re so welcome, Courtney!


  22. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (56)

    Tayler Ross on August 13, 2019 at 11:49 am

    I have been feeling under the weather, so I tried this tea last night. It was perfect! Thanks so much for sharing!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (57)

      Raia on August 13, 2019 at 1:29 pm

      You’re so welcome, Tayler! I’m so glad it helped. :)


  23. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (58)

    Renee D Kohley on September 27, 2019 at 12:15 pm

    such a great idea – when the leaves around here start falling, my oldest gets drippy so i’ll try this!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (59)

      Raia on September 27, 2019 at 12:30 pm

      I hope it helps her, Renee!


  24. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (60)

    Ella Starr on August 20, 2021 at 2:06 pm

    How helpful that you discuss how grains can affect your digestive and immune systems. My son has been having some allergies for the last couple of months. I will find a good allergy treatment for him in our area.


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (61)

      Raia on August 20, 2021 at 2:19 pm

      I hope your son feels better soon!


  25. Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (62)

    xsimplex on September 9, 2021 at 8:59 am

    These are great tips to help us all and also promote how essential to have a healthy lifestyle nowdays. Thanks for sharing!


    • Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (63)

      Raia on September 11, 2021 at 2:39 pm

      You’re so welcome!


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Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea (and 5 Tips for Minimizing Allergies) (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.