Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)

20 EAR TO 2-2121 TIMES-LEADER. THE EVENING NEWS, -BARRE, PA. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 1948 White Haven Davenport Telephone 2513 R. D. 1 Mrs.

Calvin Dotter is confined to her home on Pinchot Trail by an illness of complications. Russell Davis of Florida, is vacationing at the home of his mither Mrs. Williard Davis, who recently observed her 81st birthday anniversary in East Side Borough. Mrs. Robert Silvernell is reported slightly Improved from the effects of a fall at her home in Dennison Township early last week.

The sixth place Hudsondale Athletics defeated the local team 6-5 in the fourth game of the second half at Hudsondale Sunday afternoon. The locals are leading the Blue Mountain League by two full games. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wharen and daughter spent their vacation at the home of the former's mother, Mrs.

Anna Wharen in Dennison Township. Clarence Hawk of Northampton, was weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Siglin in East Side Borough, Mrs. Helen Anthony of Freeland is making an extended visit with her parents on Second street in the Middleburg section.

Franklin Shupp of Wilkes-Barre attended the horse show at Irem Temple in Wilkes-Barre Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dotter and daughter and John Kukala of Newark, N. were entertained during the week by Mr. and Mrs.

Wilbur Brown and family on Main street. Mrs. Charles Skelton of WilkesBarre was guest of honor at a birthday party Saturday evening at the home of her nephew, Clayton Daneker in Dennison Township. Duryea Old Forge Stephen, Phone Zujkowski, 523 1104-W Meyers St. Pvt.

Smegal's Body Arrives Wednesday, The body of Pvt. Frank Smegal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine will Smegal, arrive at the Scranton D. L.

Chittenden street, Duryea, W. railroad station Wednesday at 12:47 p. m. His remains will be met by a delegation of Veterans of Foreign Wars and and the American Legion escorted to the home of his wife, 199 Drakes Lane, Old Forge. The funeral will be held Friday morning with a mass of requiem in St.

Michael's Church, Old Forge. Reinterment will take place at Holy Rosary cemetery, Duryea. VETS TO ATTEND RITES OF VETERAN WEDNESDAY The funeral of Stephen Kashmere, World War I veteran will be held from his home, 932 Foote avenue, Wednesday morning at 9, followed by mass of requiem in Sacred Heart Church. Interment will be in Holy Rosary cemetery. Members of the Brennan-Regan Post 585, American Legion, are requested to meet at the Legion Home Wednesday morning at 8 to take part in the military funeral for their late comrade.

TRANSFER OF LICENSE Judge Aponick, overruled the State Liquor Control Board and granted permission for the transfer of the club liquor license from Pettebone street, Duryea, to the new headquarters of Post 1227, Veterans of Foreign Wars. HONORED AT SHOWER A variety shower was held recently at the home of Mrs. John Rutkowski, 617 New street, in honor of Mrs. Bernard Kabachinski, a recent bride. Mrs.

Kabachinski is the former 'Anna Polaski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polaski, Elm street, Duryea. The shower was sponsored by Miss Jennie Hantz, Mrs. Michael Verchuk, Miss Loretta Verehuk, Mrs.

John Rutkowski, Mrs. Stanley Kijek and Mrs. Sam Dempshire. Present were: Mrs. B.

Krymowski, Mrs. Stephen Fedock, Mrs. Edward Semanski, Mrs. John Semanski, Mrs. Stephen Echan, Miss Amelia Budzilek, Miss Sophia Budzilek, Mrs.

Thomas Grabowski, Sabina Chodnicki, Regina T. Pulaski, Theresa Krymowski, Stella Pulaski, Margie Hantz, Mrs. B. Symanski, Mrs. Anna Poska, Mrs.

Catherine Polaski, Mrs. Raymond Krafjack. Mrs. Louis Sapolis, Miss Marie Sapolis, Miss Ann Kupcho, and Mrs. Stephen Zujkowski, James Hall, Mrs.

Joseph Polaski, Miss Theresa Polaski, Miss Joan Chromey, Mrs. Michael Verchuk, Miss Stella Madrak, Mrs. Pearl Gingell, Miss Gertrude Hantz, Miss Jean Hantz, Miss Helen Madrak, Mrs. John A. Rutkowski, Miss Shirley Hantz, Miss Thelma Hantz, Miss Loretta Verchuk, Mrs.

Mary Kabaeinsky, Miss Bernadine Yachna, Mrs. Emma Gavazzi, Miss Jennie Hantz, Miss Mary Rose Kabacinski. Out of town4 guests: Mrs. Stanley Kyjek, Mrs. Sam Depmshire, Mrs.

Mrs. Anthony Frank Kyjek of Stamford, Kulikowski, Greenwich, Miss Lena Di Marco, Miss Phylis De Alba, Mrs. Nicholas Fedorchak. Miss Mary Devergulius of Pittston; Miss Teresa De Genaro, Miss Jennie Febo, Old Forge; Mrs. Helen Pavlica, Port Griffith.

Lost--Earring Between Foote Avenue and Meyer Street. Return to 207 Foote Avenue. BRIEFS Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Swantkowski, 228 Main street, daughter at Hahnemann Hospital, Scranton, on July 30.

The mother is the former Celestine Moleski of Pittston. Mr. Swantkowski is member of Duryea High School faculty. Miss Millie Zymiewski of New York la spending her vacation at her home here. Mra William Gillie who recently underwent an operation at the Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, is recuperating at the home of her sonin-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Rackoski in Atlantic City, N. J. Mrs. John Gillis and children.

Elaine and John, have returned from Atlantic City where they spent several weeks. Mrs. Edward Gillis has returned from Palmer, Ohio, where she visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs.

John Bartuski and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Bartuski and family, have returned from Lake Silkworth, where they hve spent their vacation. Ronald age 8, son of Mr. and Mrs.

John Bertuski, returned with a 22- inch pike which he caught In the lake. Tanks, Gallon Ostrosky Double Extra Heavy Hardware, 822 Morning Special Shirts 49c Shorts Dry Goods Store Main Derges RADIO PROGRAM Juke Box Review 4:80 Polka Time -News Military Band Piano Moods 5:30 Voice of the 5:45 -Music 6:00 Sports 6:10 -News 6:15 -Melody Grill 6:30 -Music -Cinderella -What Amer. is WBRE 8:00 Lite Can Be Perkins -Pepper Young -Right to -Backstage Wife 4:16 Stella Dallas 4:80 Lorenzo Jones Brown -News 5:05 Polka Dots -Jive After Five PM WNBC 8:00 Life Beautiful 8:15 Ma Perkins 8:30 Pepper Young 8:45 Right to Backstage 4:15 Stella Dallas 4:80 Lorenzo Jones 4:45 Widder Brown 5:00 A Girl Marries 5:15 Portia 5:80 Plain Bill 5:45 Front Page 6:00 Peter Roberts 6:15 Bill Stern 6:30 Wayne Howell 6:45 Three Star Extra 7:00 Supper Club 7:15 News 7:80 Holly wood The. 7:45 drama (rec) 8:00 Mel Thome Show 8:15 John Brown 8:80 Car. Cavallaro's 8:45 Orchestra 9:00 Jane Pickens 9:15 Jack Kilty 9:30 'Call the 9:46 George Petrie 10:00 'Meet Corliss 10:15 Archer' comedy 10:30 Sig.

Romberg, 10:45 Brun. Mazzolini 11:00 Robt. Denton 11:15 Morton Downey 11:80 Guy Lombardo' 11:45 Orchestra -Robert Hurleigh 6:30 6:15 Songs Sports of Our Times 4:15 -Johnson Family Three Star Extra 4:85 4:30 News -Melody Time 6:45 7:00 Supper Olub 4:45 Two Tom Baker New Rec. Session Army 7:80 7:45 Freddie Martin 6:16 Superman Music Parade Torme Show 5:45 -Tom Mix 8:30 Carmon Cavallaro 6:00 -News 9:00 9:80 Call Jane Pickens 6:15 Dance Time the Police 6:30 Jones Evans 10:00 Corliss Archer 6:45 News Romberg G. Crawford Playing 11:00 News 7:15 To be announced -Morton Downey -News 12:00 11:30 Music 7:45 -Sports Beautiful -New for 8:00 -Mysterious Traveler Three Listening 8:80 Official Detective 12:45 Suns Trio Rose 12:55 -News Happiness WERE 9:16 Newsreel 8:00 P.

M. to Mo. 9:80 Summer Opera Thea. 11:15 P. M.

10:30 News Same as WBRE 10:45 -Benediction Hour 11:00 -News WBAX 'Allan Yours 11:30 -Art Mooney 11:56 -News WOR 710k WIZ 770k WCBS 880k Movie Matinee: Be Seated: David Harum Johnny Olsen Tom Moore Hilltop House Daily Dilemmas, Honeymoon' House Party: Ken Jack Barry Durward Kirby Niles; talk Barbara Welles 'Listen to Hint Hunt: Chuck Show Ellen White Acree: news Man with Treasury Band Show Galen Drake Tiny and Bill Florian Zabach 46 Record Session 'Fun Olympics Report Superman recorded music Treasury Band Adventure Parade Sky King Winner Take All: Tom Mix Bill Cullen Lyle Van Joe Hasel R. O. Hottelet the Century' Allen Prescott Science Frontiers VanDeventer Edwin C. HIll Lum 'n' Abner Stan Lomax Ethel and Albert Lowell Thomas Kenneth Crawford Headline Edition Robert Q. Lewis Answer Man Elmer Davis Show.

A. L. Alexander The Green Hornet, -Bob Crosby Bill Brandt mystery-drama. Edward R. Murrow Mysterious Traveler: Youth Asks Govt.

Mystery Theater: Tarplin Erwin D. Woman I Married' 'Official Detective' America's Town Mr. and Mrs. North, 8:55. Billy Rose Meeting: 'Pass mystery; news Gabriel Heatter Taft-Ellender- the People': Wagner Bill Now? Maj.

Gen. Hershey 'The Lone Berkshire Festival 'Hit the drama: news Concert: Serge BIll Cullen Kilgore- Kousseritzky, Rooftops of the City: Public Defender' Wesley Addy 'The Eyes of What Do People Think Jonathan Road," Mishel Piastro Summer Serenade drama VanDeventer News Jos. C. Harsch News Joe Hasel Elliot Lawrence Or. Art Mooney' Talk: Blue 'Starlight Balute' Orchestra Baron's Orch.

with Galen Drake Laceyville MOTORING WEST Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bennett, teachers in the high school and their four children started motor to California on July 24 com visit Mrs. Bennett's mother, brother and sister, and also expect to go deep sea fishing while in California. They will visit Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National Park and will be back in time to begin school when the Fall term commences.

Wayne Bennett and daughter, Dorothy, who reside at Wyalusing, left on July 24 to motor to Yuma, Colorado, to visit Mr. Bennett's brother, Clayton J. Bennett, M. and family and stopped at Pittsburgh on the way out. GRADUATES AS NURSE Mary Jane Bennett, daughter of Dr.

Clayton J. Bennett of Yuma, Colorado, who lived with Mr. and Mrs. Davis Smales, Spring Hill for several years after her mother's death and went back home after her father's second marriage, has graduated as a nurse from a Colorado hospital. Miss Winifre Manzer, Owego, is spending this week with her uncle and aunt, Mr.

and Mrs. C. G. Pickett. Mrs.

Tunis W. Mouw, Mrs. Elizabeth Jung, David and Paul Mouw, Mrs. E. D.

LaFrance and Miss Mildred LaFrance attende the Montrose Bible Conference on Monay. JOHN P. BAKER John P. Baker, son of Herman Baker and Sally Ann Mosier Baker, died in Tyler Memorial Hospital, Meshoppen on July 29, where he had been for the past few weeks. He was born at Merryall, Bradford County, on May 11, 1873, and had lived on Lacey street, Braintrim Township, Laceyville R.

for the past 36 years. He had been a farmer all his life. His survivors are his widow, Mrs. Amanad Benninger Baker; two daughters, Mrs. David Tompkins, of of Mehoopany R.

and five Fassett, grandLaceyville, and Mrs. Levo children; two brothers, William Baker, Baker, of West Auburn, and George who lived with him, and several nieces and nephews, Funeral services, with Rev. Tunis W. tist Mouw, Church, pastor of Braintrim Bapofficiating, were held on Sunday and burial was in -Lacey street cemetery. VISITS FIRST TEACHER Leland Comstock, Los Angeles, California, called on his first public school teacher, Miss Mary E.

Gray, on Wednesday. Mr. Comstock was a Hill pupil of Miss Gray in the Clapper in School in Tuscarora Township 1890. He later lived for many years with Mr. and Mrs.

I. B. Coburn, Spring Hill, and has many relatives and friends here. Exeter By Mary E. Gray' John Shoemaker Pittston 3055 BRIEF MENTION A special meeting of Sodality of St.

John's Polish Church will be held tonight at 7:30 (DST), Scheduled to be held last night, the meeting of the Adam Kalmanowicz Post of the American Legion did not take place. A coat of stone and oil is being applied to Mosier street. Other streets in the town will be completed this month. Members of the Altar Society of St. John's Slovak Church will hold their annual outing on Sunday at Laceyville.

Miss Elsie Roman, who is employed in New York, recently spent week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Roman, Mason street. The Mothers Friendly Club met last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

John Harcaruska, WilkesBarre. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sleboda, Fourth street, Wyoming. Paul Meaaris and Stanley Zdanowicz are spending a week at Lake Carey.

Plains Twp. Stanley Petroski Union St. BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shivell and daughter Rosalie, 4 Union street, returned home after spending a twowek vacation at Falls, at the summer residence of Joseph Shivell.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wojciechowski, South Main street, will leave August 8 to spend a week in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Kulikowski of Baltimore, returned to Baltimore after spending a week with the former's father, Anthony Kullkowski, Crow street. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zbierski and Mr. and Mrs.

Bernard Brzycki of Hudson returned home after spending Mr. a and few Mrs. days in Brooklyn visiting Stanley Zbierski. PLAINS THEATRE SINGAPORE Fred MaeMurray-Ave Gardner WIN NIGHT 8100 6:15 Now Playing At Local Theatres Parade," Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, 11:10, 4:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:10, 9:10. Capitol- In The Sun," Jennifer Jones, Gregory Peck, 11:14, 1:43, 4:12, 6:41, 9:14.

Penn- of the Blue," George Brent, Virginia Mayo. 11:35, Orpheum Dawn Die." James Cagney, George Raft. 11:35, 1:35, 3:35, 5:35, 7:35, 9:35. Strand- of Reno," Bill Elliott, 10:10, 12:07, 2:04, 4:01, 5:58, 7:55, 9:52. Sterling-Hatinee 2:00 "Young Tom Mickey Rooney.

Evening, "The Pirate," Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, 7:20, 9:20. Pirate," Judy Garland, Gene Kelly. 7:20, 9:20. Parsons "Winter Meeting," Bette Davis, Jim Davis, 7:12, 9:13. Plains Fred MacMurray, Aca Gardner.

Doors open 6:15. Pittston American "Unconquered," Gary Cooper, Paulette Goddard. 1:14, 3:51, 6:28, 9:11. Bette Wyoming "Winter Davis, James Davis, 7, 9. Kingston-'The Naked City," Barry Fritzgerald, Dorothy Hart.

7:27, 9:27. Forty Fort "Winter Meeting," Bette Davis, James Davis, Janis Page, 7, 9. Swoyerville Roosevelt "The Webb," Ella Raines, William Bendix, Edmund O'Brien, continuous from 3. Luzerne "The Smugglers," Michael Redgrave, Jean Kent, 7:33, 9:34. Grand -Edwardsville "Alexander's Ragtime Alice Faye, Tyrone Power, 7 and 9.

California Stars," Roy Rogers, Jane Frazee, 7, 9. DST. Larksville New Larksville "Tears for Miss Martha Scott, William Gargan. 7 and 9 (EST) Plymouth Shawnee Matinee "Rebecca of Sunnybrook "The Shirley Temple. Evening, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, 7:19, 9:20.

of Triumph," Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer. 4:30 to 11 p. m. Barry Glen Sullivan, Belita. 5 to 11 p.

m. Gangster," Band," Lyon Alice Family "Ragtime doors Faye, Tyrone Power, open at 6:15. Drive-In Lake Sandy Beach Jack Haley, Rudy "People Valee. Are Funny," shows. Continuous In- "So Harvey's Dark Lake Hanson's DriveGeray, Micheline Geray, Night," Stephen Eugene The Borden, starting at Dusk.

Hazleton Highway Sunset West," House Kids Go liams, 9, Emory DST. Parnell, Chili WilNuangola- Grove Theatre "I Remember Players. Curtain Mama," 8:40 with Broadway DST. J. Swoyerville Phone 7-1815 APPROVES PLANS FOR SEWAGE Council DISPOSAL PLANT with Forty Fort approved resolution plans for the proposed to sponsor Borough posal State project Sewage as requested by sewage disthe authorized its officers disposal to affix plan, their and signatures.

Bills for July were and street labor for ordered paid $29 Burgess for Anthony Harzinski reported lawn sewer, peddling and tree eratiton list of Tax The exonopening permits. Farris was accepted. Collector Steve WINS SEVENTH GAME games defeating C. won its seventh Maltby A. 8 place to in 1.

The win gives it fourth Kingston Colonials star the league. Russ drove in Maltby four hurler, runs held his opponChapman, two doubles. with a single and both hits triples. Velikis and Butsavage TO PAY RESPECTS American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 644, will meet tonight at 8 at the home of the late Pot. Lewis 236 Simpson street, to their Pugh, to the deceased.

pay respects Answers to Advertisers 170 172 212 214 328 280 245 246 255 256 269 176 192 194 196 215 219 221 223 281 233 247 248 250 361 259 280 261 262 Legal Estate of Stefanski, late of Pa. the Letters of administration Township, Luserne County, upon granted above named estate have been to John Skebe of 209 Law. rence Street, Rome, New York. persons indebted to said estate All are requested to make payment and those the having same, claims without or demands to present Administrator or to delay, his to the undersigned said attorney, 818 WILLIAM Miners 8. M'LMAN, Attorney, National Bank Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Legal Help Wanted -Female (14- -Help Wanted Male NOTICE la hereby given that the GIRL or Woman Housework, Small YOUNG MAN between 28-35 City of Nantico*ke, Luzerne County, Adult Family, Plain Cooking. assistant manager to train will receive sealed bids for the $25.00 Weekly. Box 256, This Paper. manager. Selling experience helppurchase of 35 general obligation ful.

Car necessary. Apply beImprovement and Equipment Bonds, GENERAL office, worker with tween 9-12. Mr. Billman. Singer Sewof the denomination of $1,000 each, knowledge of typing and stenog- ing Machine Company, 115 South aggregating $35,000, bearing interest raphy.

Apply by letter stating age Main Street. at a rate to be named by the bidder and qualifications. Cleveland Bros. or bidders in multiples of one-eighth Equipment, Post Office Box 1146, MEN, between the ages 30 and 40, of one per cent per annum, payable Kingston. to travel with carnival within I September semi-annually Bids on will March be received and INSTALLING several new sewing Apply J.

L. Garrahan, 845 Anthracite radius 40 miles of for the entire issue at any one rate machines. childrens dresses. Experienced Highest operators Avenue, Kingston. of interest, but no bid combining two rates.

DOLLEE DRESSES, 285 YOUNG man for stock clerk. Wholeon piece different rates of interest will be South Main. sale Candy Company. Klein's, 85 accepted. East Northampton.

No phone calls. Said bonds and the interest there- GIRL for general office work. Must on will be payable without deduction be able to take shorthand and YOUNG men (3), neat appearance, for any tax or taxes, except succes- type. American Beauty, Products to represent large publishing sion or inheritance taxes, now or Company, 154 South Main. house.

Our men average $2.50 per hereafter levied or assessed thereon EXPERIENCED housekeeper, of hour, top commission and bonus arunder any present or future law of 2 children and rangement. No experience necessary. care the Commonwalth of Pennsylvania, Excellent small Live in or cooking. out. Call 7-0619 evenings 7-8.

all of which taxes the City of Nanti- Phone Dallas pay. 440. MAINTENANCE Man State co*ke assumes and agrees to pay. experience, salary expected. Box age, The bonds will be sold to the highest HOUSEKEEPER OR GENERAL 252, this paper.

responsible bidder, provided such HOUSEWORKER. Small family, bid is not less than par and accrued own room. 848 South River. WANTED Experienced Refrigerainterest. tion Man, Full Knowledge of Ice The highest responsible bidder EXPERIENCED Saleswoman for Cream Cabinets and Soda Fountain shall be the one who, having com- ladies' specialty shop.

Write fully Equipment. Box 254, This Paper. plied with the conditions of sale, of- giving paper. age SHORT order cook. Hours 4 P.

M. and experience. Box 281, fers to take the whole amount of 1 A. M. Apply Oyster Bay, 76 the issue at the lowest interest cost GIRL WOMAN, experienced Public Square.

to the municipality, which shall be eral housework, no cooking, light determined by deducting from the laundry, 36 Mallery Place. YOUNG man to learn selling, no total amount of interest to be paid canvassing, leads furnished, salary, on account of such bonds during the WANTED School girl for light car essential. Apply Room 1013B, life thereof, the amount of premium housework, 2 mornings per week. Miners Bank Building, Wilkes-Barre. offered, if any, over and above the Call Pittston 1842.

face amount of the issue. Women for Resort Hotel YOUNG man to operate mechanical The bonds will be dated September Laundry. Salary plus room and KINGSTON Diner, 254 Wyoming WANTED- dishwashing machine. M'INTYRE'S 1948, may be registered mature As to in board. Phone Mt.

Pocono 3611, Ex- Avenue, Kingston. principal only, and will tension 818. Pocono Manor, Penna. numerical order as follows: MEN 18--35 years, High School $9,000 on September 1 each year WANTED Business Couple West Housekeeper Pittston. Graduates, enroll In approved Reliable.

thereafter, up to and including Sleep out. Good Salary, Write Box School of Nursing for Men. MainSeptember 1, 1953. this tenance and pay while training. 277, paper.

G. I. Benefits: Apply or write School Joseph Every bid Rapaduski, should be City Clerk, addressed City WOMAN for general housework. of Nursing for Men, Pennsylvania to shall be Girl for light housework. 128 Hospital, 4, 4401 Penna.

Market Hall, placed in Nantico*ke, sealed and envelope, West Main, Plymouth. Dial 9-2585. delphia a ciently labeled to indicate that it 1s EXPERIENCED Operators and Fold- BARBER, with small investment, to a bid for the bonds of this issue, be- needed in small Mary buy equipped shop. Fine location. fore being delivered to the aforesaid Emma er Manufacturing factory.

Company, 73 Enjoying good business. Box 250, City Clerk. Bids will be received S. Second Avenue, Kingston. this paper.

to 10:00 O'CLOCK A. D. up ON THE 24TH DAY OF AUGUST, AMAZING EXPERIENCED baker. Or will sell 1948, at which time they will be for Xmas cards. 25 different box bakery.

Box 258, this paper. Earnings taking orders tioned publicly address opened by at the the City Clerk, aforemen- Also assortments. 50 cards, Up name to imprinted, profit. $1. 15-Help Wanted -Both Sexes Bids must be accompanied by Samples on approval.

Write certified check, cashier's check or MENDLER ART 37 Pearl Street, MAN OR WOMAN-steady income treasurer's check drawn to the order Boston, Mass. customers averaging weekly. Watkins Prod- on $45 Call of the City of Nanti- famous of equal to STENOGRAPHER bookkeeper for ucts in- Freeland. No of the Treasurer co*ke, or a sum money furniture store. Box 251, Business established investment.

two per centum of the face amount this WRITE WATKINS immediate of loss the resulting bonds, as security the failure against of any the COMPANY, Lapt. Newark. paper. earnings. J.

R. N. J. from of EXPERIENCED girl over 18 for genbidder to comply with the terms eral housework. 499 South Frank- EXPERIENCED baker for American his bid.

The bidder deposit will of be each returned un- lin. 4-0812. plan hotel. Apply Mr. Strickland, Strickland Mountain Inn, Mt.

immediately upon the award of the HOUSEWORK, general, assist with Pocono, telephone 3771. bonds or the rejection of all bids. two children. References. Own In the case of the successful bidder, room and lavatory, Salary $30.00 MIDDLE-AGED couple to care for the deposit will be held by the per week.

White only. Write to apartment building in exchange Treasurer and will be the applied bonds on the are Mrs. Far Robert Rockaway, Mann, 1056 Island, Gipson for quarters and salary. Man to purchase price when Street, Long care for fires, woman help with actually delivered and paid for. N.

Y. cleaning. Only those sober and These obligations will be payable WOMAN for general housework. willing to work need apply. Box 234, from unlimited ad valorem taxes.

3 adults. Sleep out. Call 7-0313. this paper. The enactment, at any time prior MAKE 50 boxes 21 for WANTED Waitress and handyman to the delivery of the bonds, of Xmas $25 Cards.

selling Also at summer hotel, run dishwasher, Federal legislation which in terms, $1 25 for name cut grass, etc. Write Post Box with by the repeal or omission of exemp- on 50 and stationery and $1. Napkins, complete coast- line. 96, Canaedensis, or call tions or otherwise, subjects to a ers, Send Cresco 6141. income tax the interest on Costs nothing to try.

for samFederal class or character which ples and Selling Plan bonds of a Plane on approval. ELEMENTARY Teachers Wanted, includes these bonds, will, at the MERIT, 370 Dept. 529, Excellent Teaching opportunity election of the purchaser, relieve the Newark, 2, N. J. available in the Primary grades, at purchaser from his obligations under EXPERIENCED girl for housework.

Bound Teachers Brook, with N. J. Elementary the terms of the contract of sale and Reference. 27 North Dawes Ave- training and expertentitle the purchaser to the return nue, Kingston. ence Primary which Grades qualifies of the them for the of amount deposited with the bid.

to Dr. Elementary WOMAN to cook and help with School should apply Hilton These bonds are issued subject light housework. Apply St. Vin- Burley, Supervising Principal, Adto the favorable Elliott opinion Munson, of Messrs. Phila- cent's Rectory, 101 Church Street, ministration Offices, 50 High Street, Townsend, delivered to Plymouth.

Bound Brook, N. J. Salary schedule delphia, and will be the $2,400.00 to $4,000.00. Bound Brook the purchaser only if and after issuance 14-Help Wanted -Male is located in the Metropolitan New proceedings authorizing the York Area offering many Professionthereof have been Internal approved Affairs by the of WANTED- -Experienced mechanie on al and Cultural advantages. Department of the The right Commonwealth is of reserved to Pennsylvania.

reject Crawler construction Tractors, equipment. Bulldozers Call 7-1108. EXPERIENCED cook or any tion or apply all to bids. the For further undersigned. informa- WANTED--Young learn man, high school chef for summer resort.

education, parts business the BY City of ORDER of Nantico*ke. the City Counoll of or Auto Parts, experienced 256 parts North man. River. Klein 7-9279 for appointment. JOSEPH, RAPADUSKI, City Clerk.

BOY for delivery on truck and one 17-Situation Wanted Female for motorcycle delivery. Klein Auto Parts, 256. North River. TYPING DONE AT HOME -Monuments, Cemetery Lots 'PHONE 2-1810 FIRST class house carpenters. Long FOUR Graves in Plot.

Fairlawn Seo- job, new houses. Apply Duryea Waitress EXPERIENCED Waitress Box Wants Oaklawn Cemetery. Phone Builders Supply 519 Stephenson Work, This tion, 2-4005. Street. Paper.

INSTRUCTORS Wanted. Newly CLASS A Mechanical Inspector. Read 5 -Personals established Engineering Institute blue prints, all measuring 3-1892. instruwill employ qualified instructors in ments. Own tools.

CRYSTAL Readings Daily by Mad- theory and practice related to refrigHanna, Room 607 Central eration and air-conditioning, elec- -Situation Wanted -Male ame Building. tricity, qualifications radio and expected. YOUNG man with motor bike and television. State CARD READING. 67 Sharpe Street Address Engineering Institute, Box work part time.

Box 287, this salry desires Kingston. Phone 7-3267. 270, this pper. paper. BAKER, experienced in bread and -Furnished Rooms -Lost sweet rolls.

State experience. Box 278, this paper, FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR STUDENT Cadet Nurse Lost Bulova RENT. DIAL 7-5504. Watch Rear Marts Terminal, Sen- three years experience. Perma- NICELY furnished cool room.

ConCUTTER Journeyman, minimum timental Value. Reward. Muhlenburg nent full time employment with well veniences. Central location. 14 606.

established men's work clothes Bennett, City, manufacturer. Union scale wages. FURNISHED Bedroom. Suitable for 18-Help Wanted--Female Location, Trenton, N. J.

State age businessman or business woman, and experience. Box 286, this paper. 47 Church Street, Plymouth. 9-2334. the WOMAN week.

for Small light family, housework. Live By in MECHANIC Journeyman, sewing 44 NORTH FRANKLIN- furor out. 49 Terrace, city, machine work repairman well estab- nished front bedroom business lished men's clothing organiz- people. 8-0616. SCHOOL girl wanted to assist with ation.

Permanent nonseasonal housework. Preferably from Kings. ployment. Union wage scale. Lo- NICELY FURNISHED room, eity.

ton, Swoyerville or vicinity. Call cation, Trenton, N. J. Write, stating 3-4667. 7-4266.

age, experience, and references. Box 285, this paper. LARGE FRONT bedroom. 40 North WAITRESSES wanted. Apply Hart Washington Street, City, Lunch, 444 Hazle Street, city.

Telephone Salesmen ROOMS- day-week, water. running WOMAN to Clean Beer Garden. Ap- You can earn $100 to $150 week Silver Queen Hotel, 477 Scott. ply 55 South Pennsylvania without leaving your desk. Men with per nue, advertising or intangible sales exROOMS, day-week, showers, URAMS HOTEL, 55 South Pennsylvania.

SCHOOL girl for housework. Ref- perience preferred but not essential. erences. Box 275, this paper. Call 4-1798 or 2-5192 for appoint- NICE comfortable room, private ment.

home, centrally located. GentleGIRL or Woman for General House- man only, 3-6790. work. Call 7-7821. LEADER in the business forms Industry seeks a representative for 34-Summer Resorts EARN Easy Money Quickly! Sell the Wilkes-Barre area.

A knowledge Christmas Cards 50 for $1 up, of office systems desirable but not CABINS, Rooms, with meals. IndoorName Imprinted. You make splendid absolutely essential, because thor- outdoor sports, Recreation Mail. profit. Up to 50c on $1 sales of ough training is provided.

Successful Pine Grove, Harvey's Lake. 3561. sensational 21-Card "Feature" As- previous sales experience also helpsortment, 81 other money-makers. ful. To the successful applicant 38-Wanted Rooms With Meals Stationery.

Free Imprint Samples, lifetime remunerative career "Feature" on approval. Artistic, available. Applicants are assured YOUNG business woman desires 697 Way, Elmira, N. Y. that their Identity will not be dis- room and board with private closed until their negotiations have family.

Call 2-1167 between 6-8 EASY TO MAKE $50. Just sell 100 been completed. Reply by letter to p. m. "Dollar King" 21-Card $1 Christ- Box 260.

mas Assortments. Personal Folders MIDDLE aged woman partially par50 for $1, up. 21 other money- TOOL DESIGNER: Experienced in alysed would like home with remakers. Samples on approval. designing dies, jigs and ixtures tired practical nurse.

Suburban area SCHWER 165 Elm Street, Dept. for small precision parts, capable of within 15 miles of letter Wilkes-Barre Box 122. Westfleld, Mass. supervising a small drafting de- preferred. Reply by to partment of National Manufacturer.

255, this paper. CASH FOR SPARE TIME. Sell State Age, Experience, Salary. Box Christmas Cards. Leader 21-Card 243, this paper.

40 Articles For Sale "Prize" assortment, Famous Floral Notes, pay you up to 50c on $1 sales. VETERANS Send for world's larg- GREETING CARD case with cards, Sent on approval. Gorgeous name est watchmaking school's 36-page 1 Corey gas coffee burner, cheeseimprinted greetings, 50 for $1 up, colored photo book. W. P.

H. 808 slicer, hot cup and Hamilton Beach samples FREE. Full line fast sell- Ridge Avenue, Desk 125, Pittaburgh, milk shaker. Call 9 to 6. 459 North ing Christmas, Everydays, Wraps, Pa.

Workshop of the world. Pennsylvania Avenue. 4-0907. Notes, Stationery. No experience.

Money back guarantee. CHILTON GREETINGS, 147 Essex, Dept. 405, Boston, Mass. EXPERIENCED waist makers, piece work rates. Stella Dress Company, 723 Market, Kingston.

KITCHEN woman wanted. Apply Presto Lunch, 48 Public Square. EXPERIENCED operators on all parts of dresses, high wages, paid vacation. Apply Leader Dress 726 Main! Street, Duryea, or P. S.

E. 6 Dock Street, Pittston. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS APPLY DIXIE FROCKS 77-78 Wyoming Ave, Wyoming EXPERIENCED OPERATORS Apply COHEN-FEIN 190 So. Washington 40 -Articies For Sale TON Yale Spear Geared Hoist. 269 Stanton Street.

FIRESTONE outboard motor, model twin cylinder. Reasonable. Inquire 198 East Railroad Phone Pittston 2326. ADDING MACHINE, good condition. Reasonable.

Phone 3-9897. RADIO testing equipment, slightly used, signal generator, tube and voltohmillameter, $100. 450 Main, Plymouth. SET snap-on mechanical tools, new. Value $75.

Sacrifice Call 8-0107. PITTSTON Range, 2 Gas Hot Heaters, Slate Stationary 975 Foot Hot Water Furnace, 2x3x7, Glass, Check Writer. Barney Street, City. APARTMENT size Kelvinator refrigerator. Excellent condition.

High, City. HEATING plant including boiler; Iron Fireman, hopper 40 gallon Monnel-metal hot boiler. 81 North Loveland Avenue, Kingston. FRESH Cut GLADIOLAS, Dozen. HOLDREDGE, 40 Main.

BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE DIAL 9-8103 ELECTRIC Pepsi-Cola Soda Cabinet. Excellent Condition, $75.00. Apply 160 Hazle. (10) 9x12 USED rugs, $12 each; legged tables; 5 showcases, Gompertz Department Store, ton. Walter Whitman, 2-7171.

PAINT. Fresh outside white, gallon. 119 Dana, 'til 10 P. CHAIRS Swivel, Oak and Walnut, $14.95. O'DEA, 45 South Washington.

SLIGHTLY used 54 inch, modern cabinet sink with porcelain 2-3839. STEEL sheets from 10 to 24 gauge, uniform widths and lengths, large lot of odd sizes. StructuralFlats Sheets Bars RoundsRails. KING STEEL SERVICE, Conyngham Avenue. 2-0959-8-3026 2 BARBER chairs, barber equipment fixtures.

Very reasonable. 7-1956. SLIGHTLY Used Mills 5 Gallon Cream Freezers. Call 3-1707. 8 FOOT Wall Case, 2.

Show Cases. Kingston 7-9406. COMBINATION screen doors delivered and installed. Phone 2-0289. WHIZZER Bicycle Motor $50.00, box, Washer, Outboard Motor, Rowboat $15.00, Century Motor Boat.

336 Wyoming, Kingston. FREEZER PACKAGING Supplies. Ball freezer jars. McDONALD, South Washington. MARVEL STOKERS- BURNERS Immediate installation.

Payments. H. J. WHEATLEY. 3-6372.

PLUMBING and HEATING Installed. FHA Plan. Call 2-4485. DEEP FREEZER DIAL 2-1582 UNREDEEMED Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry. COLLATERAL LOAN EXCHANGE, 37.

West Market. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS- -Shoes, sleeping tags, hammocks, suntan trousers. FIXRITE, 166 Wood. USED radiators, all sizes, 4 and tube, also 2 and column and used boilers. 7-6460.

BABY CHICKS FOR SALE TODAY. PETTIT'S POULTRY, 43 East Market. WAR Surplus Rubber (Neoprene) Boat, Accessories, Maximum H.P. Motor, Removable Bottom As Swimming Raft. Reasonable.

Kingston 7-5348 or Tunkhannock 3862. ELGIN Outboard Motor 61 H. Used Hours. Dial 3-2986. McLean.

NEW toilet outfits, also plumbing materials. 170 Hazle Street. GENERAL deep freezer, 20 cubic feet, vertical stainless and horicontal white porcelain with steel top. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Center, 18 East Market. 6-8-10 FOOT used meat cases.

M'DONALD, South Washington. ELECTRIC drinking fountains pressure type. M'DONALD, South Washington. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. Special summer rates.

HOLDREDGE COMPANY, 40 North Main. ONE LINE Wales Adding Machine. Q. G. Frey.

3-2023. RADIATOR, 9 sections, 38" high Dial 7-4713. STEAM BOILERS Tubs, Toilet Outfits, Radiators, Sinks Cabinets, Gas Ranges. WEBER PLUMBING SUPPLY, 498 South Main. FARM and Saw MIll Equipment.

Gas Diesel Power Units. Mall Chain Saws. Parts Service. CHARLES H. LONG, Sweet Valley.

Dallas 363-R-7. 'KOTE-A-KAR, New WIPE- ON ENAMEL for Autos. Gives a professional Anish-40 ounce can $3.95. BLOCH'S, 121 South Main. 2-1221.


2-1221. BOOTHS FOR SALE 200 pound capacity store ice. box, scale, 8 foot candy case. 256 Grove, Edwardsville. WHITE Asbestos Siding, $9.95 per 100 square feet.

WHIPPLE LUMBER YARD, 712 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston. NEW- USED Cabinet Sinks, Bathtubs, Tollets, Radiators, Boilers. LUZERNE PLUMBING Supply, 340 Union, Luzerne. 7-4415. NEW location, Cutler's Hardware store, 207 E.

Market Street, WilkasBarre. Phone 3-2519. We deliver. TOILET OUTFITS Tuba, Radiators, Cabinet Sinks and Gas Ranges. RATE, 112 South Main.

RADIO tubes tested free of charge. We carry. full stock of radio tubes and batteries. LAZARUS ELECTRIC CENTER, Lower Floor. PIECE Bathroom Outfit, 42" Cabinet Sinks, Gas Ranges, $95.

162 North Main. USED steam boiler, 100 pound stoker. Can be operation. 212 East Eighth, Wyoming, COAL like new, will sacrifice. 3-6653.

TON Hydraulic jacks, large screw Jacks, 1 blocking tackle, Inch and half inch rope; 600 feet outside electria wire; brown enamel heating stove; grey enamel kitchen stove. Dallas 428-R-7. LUMBER VALUES The Friendly Lumber Yard Select Idaho White Pine Enotty Pine Paneling K. D. White Pine Plywoods and Wallboards Oak, Fir, Y.

7. Flooring Terra Gotta Pipe- -Fine Linings Shingles and Roll Booting Storm Doors Steel Bach Prompt Delivery Forty Fort Lumber Co. 002. MURRAY-DILLEY POWER MOWERS H. P.

engine 20 inch ent, hand adjusted, built in sharpurner, lubrication lifetime $152.50 Luzerne Lumber Co. 7-1177 or 41 -Household Goods Chain 10 CUBIC Foot General Electric frigerator, A-1 Condition. 1948 Gibson Avenue, Kingston. DELUXE Bendix Washing Maching Street. excellent condition, $110.

Call 7-2921. 3 BENDIX washer, $50; Ivory and child's wading pool, green gas range, $35; play 800 2-9646. tester West DETROIT Jewel Gas Range. Good Condition. 516 Exeter Avenue, like West Pittston.

$50. BED, spring, stand and chai excellent condition, $20. Call Dellas 423-R-7. Water Tubs, PAIRS long essshell damask Door, curtains. Cheap.

Diningroom 131 suite. 2-8726. ELECTRIC WASHER, very good condition. Call 3-0671. 242 ROOMS fine modern furniture cluding refrigerator, crib and steam chest.

Owner leaving town. Call feed; 7-7455. water KITCHEN SET. Reasonable. Dial 4-0357.

$1.00 HOUSEHOLD articles for North Moving to California. New 8-piece livingroom suite, slip covers included; 9x15 twist rug and waffle rug cushion, complete bedroom suite, studio couch, single complete outfit. Other household Items. South Main Street, second floor. ANTIQUE kitchen cabinet, spool lesged table, walnut dresser, (20) at stand, old chairs, lamps, glassware, Pitts- china.

50 East Poplar, West ocke. Phone 300-W. BEAUTIFUL seven to $2.25 white steel, good condition, $85.00. Toledo Scale, very cheap. BEDROOM Suite, Kitchen Washer, Cabinet, Icebox.

Cheap. 362 Salsburg Street, outh. top. KITCHEN Sinks, large variety of Doors, $1.00 up; Window 65, 250 up. Apply 160 Hazle.

also 54" TRACEY Stainless Steel Also Ironrite Ironer, $160 Each. 223 1947 Models. Both Mornings New. Like Reynolds, Kingston. only, TABLE Model Combination Radio, Good condition.

Reasonable. Call 8-0296. Ice SOAPSTONE wash trap, Pittaton coal stove, bath tub, basin, 588 stove, witchen sink. 33 West son. ELECTRIC Washer, good condition.

Call 7-8506. COOLERATOR, diningroom Ice- stoves, 4 poster mahogany bed. 164 Division. AUTOMATIC, Vaughn washer and Street, dryer, Luserne. like 55 3 PIECE Livingroom Suite, with covers, $30.00.

185 Willow, City. GLIDER, Refrigerator, $5.001 Diningroom, Livingroom, Kitchen Set, Rug. $15.00. 10 to 6:30. 214 East Market WHITE all metal one door icebox.

82 Gilligan Street, City. 6.4 CUBIC FOOT Kelvinator, excel lent condition. $110.00. 42 Sharpe, Kingston. LARGE OAK diningroom, newly ape holstered chairs, small ice refrigerator.

2-7620. BROWN enamel coal range, kitchen set, play pen, bed complete, radio. 5 98 Miner, Hudson. new ICE REFRIGERATOR, $11.50, baby metal crib complete. Dial BENGAL coal range, very good.

condition, reasonable. Call 7-3684. 6-PIECE diningroom suite, good con10 dition, glass dishes. 148 Third Use Avenue, Kingston. COMPLETE rugs, livingroom chairs, tables and lamps.

130 West Ross Street, Apartment 17, 6 8 P. M. 403 MUST SELL 10 piece mahogany diningroom suite, double tier and co*cktail tables, corner cabinet, child's dresser and chifferobe, piece mahogany bedroom suite, Electrolux sweeper, Westinghouse rerigerator, 9x12-9x16 rugs. 483 Rutter Avenue, Kingston, between and 7:30 P. M.

BUY SELL Furniture, Stoves, Steam Boilers, Radiators, Bathtubs, Sinks. ATLAS, 300 South Main. 3-5865. USED RUGS Fine lot of rugs. Reduced Runners, $1.00 yard.

FIERMAN'S, 172 South Main. ELECTRIC Refrigerators- Washers, Combination Ranges Immediate Delivery, PENN FURNITURE, $00 North Washington ELECTROLUX CLEANER 446 NORTH MAIN, CITY WASHERS Apex, ABC, Speed Queen, Easy Spinner, Bendiz ABC-Amatic. GOOD HOUSER ING Center, 18 East Market. KELVINATOR Deluxe Refrigerator, Good Condition; Maple Table, Chairs, Red Leather Seats. 7-4665.

STEWART BROWN coal range, good condition, $25.00. 4-0476 after BROWN combination coal and range, good condition. 7-9466. REFRIGERATORS All Advertised Makes. Immediate Delivery.

ABC Maytag Washers Stoves, Radios. Youngstown Sinks Cabinets. STEVENS FURNITURE 140 South Main, Wilkes-Barre. 2-4503. SINGER Machines; Icebox, Stove, Wardrobe.

296 East Market. VENETIAN BLINDS A11 color. Wood, metal, aluminum. Pay 18 36 months. 2-7067 for estimates, WE PAY to clean your attic books, furniture, tools, guns, china, glassware, etc.

U. 10 South Washington. USED STOVES for sale. GREEN WALD'S FURNITURE Store, North Main. COMPACT air conditioners for be room, livingroom, ete.

M'DONALD, South Washington. WALK-IN Icebox, One H.P. Motor, Electric Range, Household Furniture, Coal Heater, New Express Truck Body, Electric Refrigerator, 142 Marcy, East Plymouth. CUTTER, experienced on dresses, steady position. Apply Pittston Dress Company, 108 Delaware Avenue, West Pittston.

MANAGER for juvenile furniture department, excellent opportunity for an experienced man. Box 253, this paper. 11 Help Wanted Female WANTED Experienced Operators ON DRESSES High Piece Work Rate Steady Employment Pleasant Surroundings YORK Inc. 44 Carey Ave, City EXPERIENCED OPERATORS Also Learners On Children's Cotton Dress Highest Piece Rates Steady Work Sort Girls Frocks 75 Start S4, Hudson Instruction Classes VETERANS AIRCRAFT MECHANICS IN DEMAND Get Your. Mechanio's License Wyoming Valley School of Aviation PULL Approved By VA, Agencies State and ENROLL NOW Day- Classes Forming Dial 7-4002 Airport, Forty Fort VETERANS Learn Electricity The Trade With A Future New Classes Now Forming, Offering Complete Course In General Winding, and Electrietty, Motor Armature Repairs, Regular to Monthly From $75 $120 While Training, Complete of Textbooks and Tools Beceme the Property Trainee.

WILDAN ELECTRICAL SCHOOL Rear 501 So. Main St. Wilkes-Barre Dial 3-2941 45-Musical Merchandise ZEPHYR Trumpet, like new. Care, stand, books. Call 2-6228.

FLAT Alto Saxophone, slightly used. BEVAN'S, 12 North Main. PIANO FOR SALE REASONABLE. CALL 1-8797 LOTS of Reconditioned Pianos. Either Spinet or Vertical in VariSizes, At Prices From $49.00 up.

Snyder's, 212 South Main. 120. BASS Piano Accordion, $85. Inquire 450 West Main, Plymouth. ORGAN- 7 of reeds, stope.

Good condition. for home or use. Attractively priced, BCHALL'S, 158 South Main. 57-Bullding Materials 50,000 FEET, All Kinds Used Lu ber. The 014 Payne Breaker Dial 7-0978.

58. -Sewing Machines 124 163 197 210 224 225 239 242 222 258 264 168 211 227 244 254 267 SINGER Machines Bought Bold. Wilson Sewing Machine Service, 274 Hasie Street. 3-5638. SINGER SEWING machines bought, sold.

CARUSO. 50 SINGER SEWING Machines thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed, round and long bobbins, $19.50 1p. SINGER SEWING MACHINE 121 East Main, Plymouth, Phone 9057 Plymouth. -Fireweed and Kindling TIRE CALL Two Ton 1-2574. Truck 6, TURKO, FIREWOOD 18.25 Two Ton Trues Load.

Ashes Hauled. Dial Te Buy TRACT of timber. Box 261, this paper..

Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.